Social Media Workshop Overview
1. Welcome and Introductions (activity)
2. Setting Expectations
3. Workshop Overview
4. What is Social Media?
5. Social Media Influence
6. Types of Social Media (activity)
7. Group Assignment and Presentations
a. What are the demographics? (How many people, location, age range, gender)
b. How is it used?
c. Vocabulary: what are some specific words used to describe the activity of users – provide the definition if possible. Examples: followers, post, retweet, hashtag…
d. Is it free to use? Is there a paid version? How does the platform generate money?
e. Are their rules and guidelines users must agree to follow? What are they?
f. Where did it come from? (Who invented/started it? What city and country?)
8. Class Discussion
Thank you for participating in this workshop today!