• Something a client said to me the other day really stood out.  Both what he said, and his overall reaction to our fruitful meeting: “I thought you were going to suggest I turn myself into someone my friends wouldn’t recognize.” He had expected, I gathered, that the branding process was going to be a painful necessity. Wanting commercial viability, he would have to compromise his personal integrity- create a false front in order to attract customers.


  • We hear a lot in marketing about focusing on the consumer, and surely this is a no-brainer- if you want your business to succeed, you have to pay close  attention to consumer needs and wants, their tastes, their interests, their habits, etc. But there is a prevalent attitude that what marketers are really trying to do is target potential customers with the equivalent of a stun-gun. Look at my flashy colours and clever marketing! ZAP! Gotcha!


  • No doubt,  today’s savvy consumers feel manipulated.  But when you have created something of real value through your  business or organization, and are offering it to people who could truly benefit from it, the process of reaching your potential customers should feel authentic and sound. It can also be exciting and rewarding!


  • Figuring out your brand essence should really be about how to best communicate your awesomeness in a way that your potential customers will understand it.  And if your brand truly reflects the unique value of your  offering- in other words, if you can deliver-  you’ll not only have  satisfied customers, but continuing customer relationships.


  • Keep it real, and they’ll keep listening. More on this topic to come!