• This morning I am meeting participants in the Self Employment program at Langara Continuing Studies for the second of two social media workshops. Last week we talked about social media basics for new business owners and ended the workshop by creating smart goals for how each participant will use social media.


  • This week, we decided to take a closer look at Facebook, LinkedIn and blogging. We will revisit these goals and talk about strategies and tools to achieve them:


  1. -Establish my Business on Facebook and LinkedIn by July 2014.
  2. -Create Facebook, Linkedin, and YouTube accounts to reach the target market by fall 2014.
  3. -Use my first client to generate content for Facebook and LinkedIn.
  4. -Join a networking association to gain benefits of cross promotion.
  5. -Get at least 1 like on LinkedIn status updates.
  6. -1,000 likes on my Facebook page by December 31, 2014.
  7. -Increase traffic to my website by 20% via social media referrals.
  8. -Create an online presence for my business that can be easily accessed by my target market.


  • Last week, I shared my 5 steps for social media success and invited the participants to implement them as homework for today. Today, we will start with a discussion about how the week went. Then we will spend dedicated time on Facebook, Linkedin, and blogging, followed by discussions around content strategy, integration, online/offline marketing, and success measurements – with a focus on creating action plans towards achieving their goals.
  • It’s going to be a busy day, I’m looking forward to it!